When it comes to web programming I like to read and learn from these sites and I highly recommend them:
- Program With Gio – The right way – best PHP video tutorials
- https://www.sitepoint.com – free&paid
- https://www.freecodecamp.org – Free
- https://eduonix.com – paid
- https://www.udemy.com – free&paid
- https://scrimba.com – free&paid
- https://dev.to/
- https://www.codecademy.com – free&paid
There are many more but these are my favorites
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- these guys provide excellent Monthly news with nice free resources and many more – https://zerotomastery.io/blog/
- https://closebrace.com/ very good guy who send you a weekly email with free JavaScript tutorial and tricks. Just subscribe. No spam
- https://dev.to/
- https://medium.com/
- https://symfonycasts.com/
Far to be a good source but you can check my Dev page where i shared some practical examples and hints
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