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Easy way to deploy MySQL 5.7 Docker container in Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 for Local development (Updated)

Hello, this is my 5 min guide on how to run MySQL 5.7 (or any previous).

After installing the fresh Kubuntu 20.04 I discovered that it comes with MySQL v8.

It’s not impossible to downgrade your MySQL 8 to  5.7 and even I made it on 2 machines. You can find how in this article

But I discovered that there is the easiest way! Dockers

You don’t need to be a Docker expert to fire the MySQL.

First of all, you need Docker installed

Please note that version 2 of Compose is already in use.

sudo apt install docker

Next to make your life easier:

// old compose v1
sudo apt install docker-compose
// new compose v2
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

Small update. Don’t use composer v1 anymore. Please check if you need to upgrade/update you composer to version 2. Instead of docker-compose you need to use docker compose ‘command’ (without dash)

You can install Follow their guide. A GUI for easy dockers management.

Prepare the folders

Create 2 folders if you want to use the additional extras: one for the additional MySQL config (my.cnf) and one where the data will be stored (if you want) outside the container. I found that the MySQL container comes without any text editor, so it is impossible or hard to edit your .ini files. There are some tricks with Dockerfile for adding additional packages in your container but I prefer to take out this my.cnf outside. To do this you have to “map” the internal path to the external:

- /home/*user*/dockers/mysql57/conf.d/:/etc/mysql/conf.d

and do the same for the database storage place.

Inside the /home/adk/dockers/mysql57/conf.d/ folder create empty my.cnf text file. For test purposes paste this:



Create one more folder (change your home folder path). The parameter -p will help you to create the full path and not folder by folder:

mkdir -p /home/*user*/dockers/mysql57/db


Create your own .yml file.  You better use the standard docker-compose.yml for the name. You can use a custom name (for example stack.yaml) but you have to add the name in the start command. To shorten the command you can use the standard names compose.yaml (preferred) or compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml and docker-compose.yml

Paste and edit this simple config

# Use root/example as user/password credentials
version: '3.1'

    image: mysql:5.7
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    restart: always
      - 3306:3306
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example
      # Opens port 3306 on the container
      - 3306
      - /home/adk/dockers/mysql57/conf.d/:/etc/mysql/conf.d
      - /home/adk/dockers/mysql57/db:/var/lib/mysql

    image: adminer
    restart: always
      - 8080:8080

Note: the indents in the .yml files are very important. So I’ll provide the code in a text file.

This code will install MySQL 5.7 container on your machine + adminer (PHPMyAdmin). Your container will work on port 3306. Change the port to a different one if you already have Mysql 8 or MariaDB installed on your machine.


To run and finish the job execute this command in the folder where the docker-compose.yml is placed:

sudo docker-compose -f stack.yml up //run to create the containers
sudo docker-compose -f stack.yml start //to freeup the console
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml start //if you use the standard name
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop

// Modern way for compose v2
sudo docker compose up
sudo docker compose stop

// Optional to free the console use -d param
sudo docker compose up -d

You can open the “adminer” at http://localhost:8080/ or use for example Heidi SQL (an amazing tool that you can use even in Linux via wine)

use ‘root’ as the user and ‘example’ for a password if not changed

use for hostname/ip in HeidiSQL or find the IP

Few more tricks:

how to find the docker name (if you don’t have more running docker projects):

sudo docker ps

how to find a container ip (just copy this string in the console):

sudo docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mysql57_db_1


Check this if you are bored of using sudo all the time:

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Views: 2305

1 thought on “Easy way to deploy MySQL 5.7 Docker container in Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 for Local development (Updated)”

  1. Just want you to know this guide saved me at the end of 5+ hours of trying to get MySQL 5.7 to work.

    Really appreciate the work you put in

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