Bash script to create PHPStorm shortcut and a symbolic link in Ubuntu
In this bash script file, the PHPSTORM_PATH variable is defined at the top of the script and is used to define the path to the PHPStorm binary ($PHPSTORM_PATH/bin/ and the path to the icon file ($PHPSTORM_PATH/bin/phpstorm.png). This makes it easy to change the path to the PHPStorm installation directory by simply changing the value of the PHPSTORM_PATH variable.
Just copy and paste the content to a new text file with an extension “.sh”. Make it executable
Don’t forget to change the “/path/to/phpstorm” at line 4 with your own path
#!/bin/bash # Define the path to the PHPStorm binary #PHPSTORM_PATH=/home/*username*/Apps/PhpStorm-233.14475.35 PHPSTORM_PATH=/path/to/phpstorm # Define the path to the desktop file directory DESKTOP_DIR=$HOME/.local/share/applications # Define the PHPStorm binary PHPSTORM_BIN=$PHPSTORM_PATH/bin/ # Define the path to the icon file ICON_PATH=$PHPSTORM_PATH/bin/phpstorm.png # Define the symbolic link path SYMLINK_PATH=/usr/local/bin/phpstorm # Define the desktop file path DESKTOP_FILE=$DESKTOP_DIR/phpstorm.desktop # Check if the symbolic link already exists if [ -L "$SYMLINK_PATH" ]; then echo "Symbolic link already exists. Renaming it to phpstorm.old." sudo mv -f "$SYMLINK_PATH" "${SYMLINK_PATH}.old" fi # Create the symbolic link sudo ln -s $PHPSTORM_BIN $SYMLINK_PATH # Check if the desktop file already exists if [ -f "$DESKTOP_FILE" ]; then echo "Desktop file already exists. Renaming it to phpstorm.old.desktop." mv "$DESKTOP_FILE" "${DESKTOP_FILE}.old" fi # Create the desktop file echo "[Desktop Entry] Name=PHPStorm Comment=PHP IDE Exec=$SYMLINK_PATH Icon=$ICON_PATH Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development;" > $DESKTOP_FILE # Set the permissions for the desktop file chmod +x $DESKTOP_FILE echo "Done."
Note: Please check the quotes when you paste the script so the content is imported correctly.
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